A PlayStation Network (PSN) card grants you access to various PS Network services. It serves as a virtual or online medium of exchange that you can use to purchase goods on the PS Network. When do PSN codes activate? To access specific items, you'll receive 12-digit alphanumeric PlayStation Network codes using your PSN account. These codes are for one-time use only; you cannot use the same code more than once. You can start downloading content to your PS console after entering the code. When using the PlayStation VITA version, log in to your PlayStation Network account first. Once you've done that, you'll see the REUSE CODES icon. How to redeem a PlayStation Store voucher online: 1) Go to PlayStation Store and select your profile at the top of the screen. 2) Select Redeem Codes from the drop-down menu. 3) Carefully enter the code and select Redeem. The credit or content is applied to your account.